Alessandra Aita was born on 26/05/1983 in San Daniele del Friuli. After studying at the Art Institute "G. Sello "in Udine, she attended a professional course of computer graphics at the Csg.lab Vocational Training Centre in Udine and dedicated immediately to her professional career.
As a result of short working experiences, she opened in Buja, in the province of Udine, her own studio - Ideando Pubblicità - operating in the commercial art field.
Since a few years, she is venturing into the world of art, as her father did, becoming a renowned contemporary artist. A creative soul, as she loves to say, who is able to convey through her creations, a strong expressive energy arising from an attentive study of the materials, from a new interpretation of her professional working-means and a careful survey of the society around us. She always felt the need to express her feeling through art and started at a very young age to experiment using different materials and techniques until she fell under the spell of sculpture and wood.